Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I need to walk around with bright yellow CAUTION! tape stapled to my ass, cause lately, I've been a bitch. Not the good kind.

In short, I'm busy taking on the world one long distance phone call at a time, and I need a break. From life. Not from being healthy. But someone might consider not-so-gently reminding me that making blondies and eating fast food is *not* a good way to cope with stress. If I eat one more thing that's not healthy, I'm seriously going to audition for the next Star Wars movie. I'd be great playing this guy:

I weighed in yesterday at 200.6, after being at 199.4 the day before. Go figure.


Anonymous said...

Ahh, don't be so hard on yourself. As for the BLC, you are still on the plus side for total lost, so you aren't even close to beating me yet :P.

Crissy Rae said...

Chalk it up to a bad week and jump back in there. I say use the bitchiness to your advantage and kick your ass back into gear. You'll get back on track.