Saturday, August 23, 2008

I have no idea how this happened...

But I'm down almost 6 and a half pounds since I weighed in last. I'd love to say I've been doing everything right, but that's a lie, and you all would know it. I have a suspicion that the beautiful "197" won't last long (I'm serious, there has to be something wrong with my scale...), but I'm going to try to keep it around a few weeks more.

I've been struggling with my decision to not journal the foods and exercises I do. In the past, it's kept me on track when everything else has failed, and watching my progress in writing is gratifying, but I simply don't need another thing on my plate (har. har.) right now. I've got 3 discussion classes to lead, and three seminars of my own to do well in. I'm busy meeting new friends (finally!) and trying to learn my way around a new city. And also, I've got these stinkers running around the place now:

I have to spend time with these babies, right?

In the meantime, my pantry and fridge are stocked with healthy foods. My classes are scheduled so that I've got time to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner (which should really make my students like me a whole lot more...).

I still haven't quite gotten the whole gym time thing down yet. One thing at time, though, I wouldn't want to exhaust these two:

I adopted these two on Thursday. And so I don't have to keep calling them 'these two,' I'd like to come up with some names for, well, these two. Help!


Crissy Rae said...

Sounds like your plate is pretty full right now, but in a good way. Those two kitties look adorable! I bet they keep you entertained when you are home.

Congrats on the weight loss! I bet with being busy so much you didn't even notice the numbers going down. Yay!

Anonymous said...

OMG! Your kitties are sooo cute!! I'm not much help with the name thing. You gotta know their kitten-alities, to give them good names! Our youngest kitten we names "Stinker", and it totally fits! He is bad to the bone!! =)

Glad you are settling into your new city. Thats gotta be kinda scary,but exciting too! Congrats on the loss. Thats great! Welcome to Onderland!!! =)